by Staff Report


The U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office in Abilene received notice from headquarters in El Paso that enlistment for 17-year-old young men would be resumed until further notice. Any young man who was physically fit, could obtain his parents’ consent and furnish a birth certificate, was allowed to complete an application through the Abilene office of the Marine Corps.


A fire discovered around midnight Thursday night, destroyed a section of about 10 horse stalls at the Ozona Fair Grounds before firemen could bring the raging blaze under control. Damage was estimated near $5,000.


All Ozona schools were flying the Texas flag under the United States flag this week in compliance with a recently passed law that required schools to fly the flag or be restricted from state funds.


Kelbie Renfroe exhibited the champion fine wool lamb at the 2003 State Fair of Texas. She won the first and last shows she entered with P.J. this summer. Also pictured are Kelbie's father, Billy Del Renfroe, and the judge, Jeff Miller of Oklahoma.