Santa Claus will not miss the poor children of Ozona this year if the plan of the Ozona Lions Club for their annual Christmas Cheer program is carried out. As has been done in past years, the club will collect used toys and have these repaired and painted in readiness for distribution by Santa when he arrives at Christmas.
Allen H. Bosworth's forthcoming book, "The Ozona Country,” is now expected to be on the market by early February. Early reports on the book and its contents indicate that it is a very readable edition and that its content will be pleasing to most Ozonans.
he Marley girls, Jacinda and Jennifer, assisted a hunter on their ranch south of town Sunday morning by bringing this big 9-point buck into the cold storage locker at Ozona Trading Post.
An open house was held on Nov. 24 to celebrate the expansion of West Texas Rehab of Ozona. The event drew guests from Abilene, San Angelo, and Ozona. The expansion doubles the floor space of the facility, which is located in a county-owned building at 908 First Street. The remodeling project allowed the Rehab to add much-needed space and equipment in the physical therapy program, install an occupational therapy department, complete with an activity gym, kitchen for adults, a specially equipped area for pediatrics programs, and initiate audiological services, including a hearing testing booth, tympanometer and audio scan.
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