Ozona History

November 30, 2023


One hundred twenty-five Crockett County ewes will soon start for their new home on acreage owned by the Methodist Orphanage at Waco, the gift of Crockett County ranchmen. The ewes will be shipped to Waco with the railroad offering to take the consignment at half price. The Crockett County ewes will form the nucleus of a herd to be maintained by the orphanage. 


For every pound of fat a housewife turns in to her meat dealer or other fat salvager, she will receive two brown points, beginning Dec. 13.

"But most important," Herbert M Faust, director of WPB’s Salvage Division, said, “within a month the fat will be transformed into war materials and on the way to the fighting fronts.'' He reminded housewives to save grease from turkeys, geese, ducks, and chickens for the manufacture of war products.


Sue Flanagan of San Angelo, who studied in Scotland last year under the Rotary International Foundation fund program for better international relations, will show colored slides of pictures made during the coronation of Queen Elizabeth, which she attended in London when she appears at the High School Auditorium here next Tuesday evening. Flanagan will tell of her experience and observations while a visitor to the British Isles and will give a commentary on the pictures of the coronation which she plans to show. Flanagan’s visit here is being sponsored by the Ozona Rotary Club.


Holiday decorations go up on schedule in Ozona, but whether the lights go on or not is another question. The lights are usually turned on Dec. 1 of each year. There has been no official meeting of the town’s elders, and no one seems to know what stand Ozona will take on curtailing outside Christmas lighting due to the energy crisis. If the federal government bans all outside lighting, as the President asked in his Energy Message Sunday night, the town will be without Christmas lights.