by complied by Amanda Deats-Coello

Feb. 1, 1934

On Thursday afternoon, Jan. 25, Mrs. W.E. West discussed before Mr. Denham’s Freshman History class her visit to Egypt. She told of the railroad trip from Jerusalem to Cairo, Egypt. Her description of the people and her discussion of their customs was most interesting. According to Mrs. West, Mr. West spent much time observing the Egyptian ladies, who wore veils. From Cairo, Mrs. West drove with a group of tourist to the Nile River to the vicinity of the pyramids. From this point camels were supplied and the road to the pyramid was complete. The description of the pyramid and the surrounding country was quite enlightening.

Feb. 3, 1944

After 15 years in the drug business in Ozona, I.G. Rape has sold the Ozona Drug Store to G. G. Aikman of Oklahoma City, the change in ownership becoming effective Feb. 1. Mr. Aikman, a graduate registered pharmacist and with many years experience in the drug business, with Mrs. Aikman, arrived here early in the week to take over the business and the store was closed Tuesday as taking of inventory began preparatory to reopening under new management.

Jan. 28, 1954

Sunday, Jan. 31, will be March of Dimes Day at the Ozona Country Club. There will be golf play, cards and dominoes. There will be a charge of $1 for each person entering the club grounds that day. This will include greens fees, card and domino play. If the weather does not permit golf play, there will be card and domino games in the club house regardless.

Jan. 30, 1964

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Jan. 31, 1974

Large panther brought in from the Pecos River area of Crockett County created quite a stir at the courthouse Monday afternoon. The big cat weighed 165 pounds and measured a total of 7 feet from head to tail. This breed has increased in number the past few years and can wipe out a lamb crop or kid crop in the space of a few hours. This is the second such animal caught in the area in a month’s time. However, many ranchers in most parts of the county have had loss to predators such as this for some time. This panther was trapped on the Buster Deaton ranch near Pandale and killed by a ranch hand.