by complied by Amanda Deats-Coello
Feb. 6, 1964
Pioneer Natural Gas Company ad… Feb. 6, 1964
Pioneer Natural Gas Company ad…

Feb 8, 1934

More than a hundred boys from neighboring towns will be in Ozona next Friday and Saturday for the basketball tournament. An appeal was issued this week by school authorities to Ozona people to help house these visitors during their two-day stay here. Having made several tournaments so far this season, many of the teams find themselves in strained financial circumstances and would appreciate a place to sleep Friday night. Persons who are willing to house one or more of these visitors are asked to phone B.B. Ingham, Jr. chairman of the housing committee, or the Stockman office and their names will be listed and the boys placed when they arrive.

Feb. 10, 1944

It was announced today by Lt. Colonel Vincent D. Phillips, Commanding Officer of San Antonio District Army Recruiting Office, that a traveling unit will be in Ozona, Texas, Feb. 16, 1944, in the interest of recruiting for the Women’s Army Corps.

“In charge of the recruiting unit and its staff, will be Lieutenant Martrine Armentor, of the WACs. She will have with her Staff Sergeant Edward Volkmann, and Sergeant Dolie Tucker,” Colonel Phillips said.

Feb. 11, 1954

Effective Feb. 22, Ozona youth from ages 17 down will be subject to curfew regulations requiring them to be off the streets not later than 10 p.m. A group of parents in the Latin-American sector in a recent series of conferences with Sherriff V.O. Earnest asked the cooperation of the sheriff’s department in enforcing the curfew and details of the town-wide plan were worked out. Beginning Feb. 22, the red light atop the courthouse will be lighted at 9:45 p.m. giving the youngsters a 15-minute warning to go home.

Feb. 6, 1964

Pioneer Natural Gas Company ad…

Feb. 7, 1974

Army Private Americo M. Tambunga, Jr., 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Americo Tambunga, Sr., of Ozona, completed Infantry advanced individual training with the 101st Airborne Division at Ft. Campbell, Ky. Pvt. Tambunga was trained in map reading, weapons firing, infantry tactics and airmobile operations. In addition, he learned the responsibility of each member of an infantry squad and underwent extensive physical training during his eight weeks of training. The private will now serve with the division as a rifleman with Company B, 2nd Battalion of the 503rd Infantry.

Feb. 8, 1984

General Telephone was serving about 1,800 customers in Ozona as 1984 began, according to E. O. Cambern, GTE General Manager. “Of these, about 1,300 are residential telephone numbers,” noted Cambern. The company also provides 24 public telephones and some 3,300 telephone instruments. “We were pleased to announce the opening of a GTE local service agency in Ozona during 1983,” said Cambern. Customers may initiate, expand or discontinue telephone service, as well as pay telephone bills at the Flower Basket, 1004 Sheffield. “General Telephone is aware of growth areas in Ozona and will be expanding our facilities as necessary during 1984,” said Cambern. “Providing prompt, dependable service is our top priority and we look forward to a continued good working relationship with the people of Ozona.”