by complied by Amanda Deats-Coello

Feb. 15, 1934

Sheriff W. S. Willis, premier rock-throwing sheriff of Crockett County, must look to his laurels in the rock-heaving game if a story coming out of the wilds of Rankin section is to be believed.

Pat Black, a brother of Morris and Kay Black of Ozona and himself a former Crockett County resident, tossed a rock a distance of 200 yards and killed a Javelina hog, according to press reports yesterday. The wild hog was one of a herd and the missile slung by the ranchman struck him squarely between the eyes, killing him instantly, said the Rankin correspondent.

Sheriff Willis has won for himself no little renown with his accurate pebble heaving. The first evidence of his deadly aim with a rock was earned a few years back when he toppled a fleeing prisoner who broke for freedom while doing chores about the jail, a rock being the arresting agent. After chasing the prisoner over the rough hill back of the jail until he was near exhaustion, the sheriff stopped and took up a small rock and let drive, the missile striking the prisoner behind the ear and after regaining consciousness he was more than willing to go back to jail.

Feb. 17, 1944

What might have been a disastrous fire, endangering the lives of residents of the upstairs apartments in the post office building and property in the entire business district of the town, was narrowly averted Saturday night by the timely discovery of a blaze in the mailing chute at the Ozona post office. Believed of incendiary origin, the fire destroyed or damaged a number of letters and other pieces of mail dropped into the chute during the afternoon and evening by Ozonans, mail destined for dispatch with the outgoing mail the following morning. The blaze had gained considerable headway and in fact was on the verge of igniting the wooden partition which separates the lobby from the post office working quarters when persons leaving the theater entered the post office and discovered the fire. An alarm was sounded but Postmaster J. R., Kersey extinguished the blaze with a chemical extinguisher.

Feb. 13, 1964

Crockett County Hospital's second School of Vocational Nursing Class graduated last Friday with two graduates receiving their caps and pins. A program and reception was held Friday afternoon in the hospital dining room under the direction of Mrs. Charles Williams, Jr., instructor for the school. Awarded their caps and pins at the end of their instruction and practical training period were Mrs. Mildred Webb of Ozona and Miss Myrle Cox of Barnhart.

Feb. 14, 1974

Springtime in Ozona is kite flying time for local youngsters and many have been out doing just that during the mild weekends. There seems to be no problem getting kites in the air these days. The new bat-type kites almost fly themselves, however, they hang up on high wires just like the old-fashioned ones did. Here the Searcy brothers give it a try with big brother having the first go around with the ball of string.

Feb. 15, 1984

Clint Perner shows off the short-billed spear fish he caught in Hawaii last summer. His catch weighed 41 pounds and is 71 inches in length.

Feb. 16, 1994

In quick action Monday afternoon, county commissioners voted to enact a no smoking policy applicable to all county buildings. The motion included no provisions for designated smoking areas.

Shannon Medical Center