by complied by Amanda Deats-Coello

Feb. 22, 1934

The Ozona Schools received a highly complementary report at the hands of J. T Bickley, assistant state superintendent of schools for this district, who visited the local system last week for an inspection. A letter from the State Department of Education, received this week by supt. John L. Bishop, praised the program of work and the general attitude of the local schools as reported by Mr. Bickley. There were no outstanding recommendations for improvements. The letter from the state department complimented the citizens of Crockett County on their interest in the school system as attested by the modern new high school building here.

Feb. 24, 1944

Ten Crockett County men will leave today for pre-induction physical examinations by the Army at the Fort Bliss, El Paso, induction center, the first group to go from this county under the new pre-induction examination program inaugurated by the Selective Service system on Feb. 1. The men will receive physical examinations at the induction center but will not be inducted until at least 21 days after such examination. Those men found acceptable to be included in induction calls which the board later will be required to fill.

In addition to the ten Crockett County registrants, the party will include one transfer. Douglas Frederick transferred here from Gillette, Wyoming. Several of the group of local registrants are transferred to other boards for examination. The list composing the call included Robert Alee Nimnto, Eula Pink Beall, Sidney R. Kleinpeter, Julius E. Norris, Joseph W. Keeton, Felipe T Vargas, Jr., Clyde Howard Baker, Augustin V Luna, Frank Pharis James and Martin Ernest Dowdy.

Feb. 25, 1954

Reddy Kilowatt ad…

Feb. 20, 1964

Signatures were being collected this week on a petition to be presented at the next meeting of the Commissioners Court, asking for its election to decide on the insurance of $125,000 in county bonds for the purpose of constructing a civic center building in Ozona. Conceived by a joint committee of citizens, selected from the various civic organizations in the city, the civic center building is being promoted as a project through these various clubs.

Feb. 21, 1974

Another wind victim was this large apricot tree in the yard of the Thadd Tabb home at 201 Ave, G. The wind snapped the large tree at the ground and looked almost as though it had been sawed in two. The trunk of the tree measured at least 2 feet, and the top branches blocked the traffic flow in the south lane of Second Street.

Sonra Bank Fall