by complied by Amanda Deats-Coello

March 1, 1934

A giant bone, believed to be a part of the skeleton of some prehistoric animal, was unearthed recently by Fred Cooke in the bed of Johnson Draw in the Davidson pasture south of Ozona. Cooke was digging gravel for use in a local street and school ground improvement work when he uncovered the huge bone.

The bone is approximately four feet in length and around 20 inches around in the center. At each end is a knob that formed a joint, the largest of these being 18 inches or more in diameter, the other slightly smaller. The huge bone was intact in its resting place in the gravel, but a short time after it was unearthed it began to show signs of disintegrating.

Mr. Cooke took the curiosity home and when it was accidentally given a slight jar, it broke into several pieces. A. W. Jones of the Jones Saddlery plans to gather the pieces and re-assemble the bone and place it on display in his shop.

March 4, 1954

Frigidare Ad

Feb. 28, 1974

The birth of a simmental bull calf here last Wednesday was a big event in the lives of interested townspeople, the owner, Bill Roden of Oasis Ranch Co. near Sheffield, and the vet, Dr. Cary Vannoy. The mother seemed to take it as a matter of course and spent most of her time eating everything in sight, including her bedding. The calf was horn about a week after his mother took up residence at the clinic. The delivery was natural, but difficult, and although cow and calf were outside and doing well the next day, Dr. Vannoy hasn't recovered yet. What makes a lady out of this heifer? Reports of the lady's net worth or cost range from $36,000 to $76, 000 and regardless of the figure settled upon, that makes this cow “a lady.” She's full-blooded Simmental, imported from Switzerland through a long and intricate process of red tape and quarantine. This heifer was imported first to Canada, then brought to the U. S. and eventually to Dallas where she was purchased by the Oasis Ranch Co. Still somewhat of a rarity in West Texas, the Simmental is the number one exotic breed In the United States at this time.

Feb. 29, 1984

Vickie Reagor showed the runner-up medium wool junior market lamb at the recent San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo. Vickie, 15, is a member of Crockett County 4-H Club. The entry was selected over 217 others in recording its high placing at the state’s largest lamb show.

March 2, 1994

The new automated library at the high school offers a number of interesting and useful programs. Previous articles have discussed the catalog search program and word processing. In addition, several other options are now available in the automated library. A college selection program purchased by counselor David McWilliams is available on one computer in the library. This program, “Peterson’s College Selection Service 1994,” helps students through the process of selecting a college or university that will best suit them. The program contains information on both two and four-year colleges. The college selection program allows students to choose from more than 600 characteristics of potential colleges. The computer program will form a pool of colleges meeting criteria the student has selected. It will print out reports, give brief outlines of colleges included in the finalist, and give information about costs, financial aid, deadlines, etc. A personalized letter of inquiry to colleges can be printed.

Sonra Bank Fall