Ozona History

March 28, 2024

March 29, 1934

A move toward a clean-up and sanitation plan having as its objective a permanent policy of cleanliness and sanitation for Ozona was initiated at the regular meeting of the Ozona Woman's Club when the civic committee of that organization was instructed to offer the club's cooperation to the Commissioners Court in formulating such a plan.

In years past, the Woman's Club sponsored the annual cleanup campaign. Downtown streets littered with paper and other rubbish, residential areas beset with flying papers and trash drew criticism of club members and the action toward a clean-up and some plan of a permanent policy for keeping the town clean was taken. Mrs. B. B. Ingham is chairman of the civic committee and will work with the Commissioners on the project.

March 30, 1944

Audiences attending the presentation of the movie-extravaganza, “This Is the Army,” at the Ozona theatre Thursday and Friday evening, contributed a total of $88.04 to the American Red Cross when the plates were passed through the audience after showing of a special Red Cross film and news of Red Cross activities.

The special Red Cross theatre collection was a part of a statewide effort on the part of theatre owners to further the current Red Cross War Fund drive. The contribution by the theatre audience was turned in to the local chapter’s War Fund drive, raising the total contribution in that campaign to $3,190.91 against the chapter goal of $2,600.

On the first night of the showing, the collection plates contained $59.66 and the second night’s crowd contributed $23.38.

March 25, 1954

Increasing incidence of rabies among dogs and varmints over the state has led to some anxiety on the part of dog owners in Ozona County Agent Pete W. Jacoby said this week. As a service to dog owners and as a means of providing all possible protection for Ozona people against rabid dogs, the county agent has secured a supply of rabies vaccine for dogs and will inoculate any dog in the county at a cost sufficient to cover his expenses.

March 26, 1964

Ozona Woman’s League members were hosts at a tea following their guest day program at the Country Club when Dr. Joe Cornelison of San Angelo addressed the group on the first signs of cancer. Mrs. Jim Dudley', League president, welcomed guests from the Ozona Woman’s Club and the Women’s Forum of Ozona and Mrs. Cornelison. In the picture are Mrs. Dudley, League president, left, and center, Mrs. Joe Couch and Mrs. Leonard Boyd, League members, are serving Mrs. Bill Clegg, right, president of the Woman’s Forum.

Shannon Medical Center