April 04, 2024

April 5, 1934

San Angelo Telephone Co. advertisement

April 6, 1944

To encourage the planting of Victory Gardens in Ozona again this summer, the directors of the Crockett County Water Control and Improvement District have authorized renewal of the Victory Garden Water Rate which was in effect last summer and which was partly responsible for the largest garden production in Ozona history. The only requirements for users to qualify for this concession is that their gardens must contain a minimum of 125 square feet, 10 by 12.5 feet or larger and the water office must be notified of the intention to plant such a garden by the 20th of April. The 2,000 free gallons of water will be granted on April billing to all those customers who notify the water office.

April 2, 1964

Members of the citizens' committee pushing planning for the proposed Ozona Civic Center building got a tremendous morale uplift this week when Dick Henderson, a civic-minded young ranchman of Ozona, offered to donate the site for the center to the county provided voters approve the bonds for its construction at the coming election. Henderson, whose ranch adjoins Ozona on the north, gave the site for Ozona’s modern hospital and medical clinic.

April 4, 1974

Blue Ribbon Cast of Troopers—This happy cast and its director brought home all the trophies from the UIL District one-act play competition held last week in Big Lake. They will compete in the regional meet in Odessa later this month. Mrs. Tony Allen, play director and head of the Ozona High School Drama Department, center, holds the trophy for best play in the district. Members of the cast are Harvey Weant with best actor trophy, Ann Glynn, Lara Arledge with the best actress trophy, and Brad Hoover. The prize-winning play was "The Banker’s Dilemma."

Ozona July