Ozona History

by complied by Amanda Deats-Coello

May 24, 1934

One of the feature events during the rodeo program the afternoon of July 4 at the eighth annual Crockett County Rodeo Race meet, Stock Show and Sale, July 3, 4 and 5, will be a steer breakaway contest for old cowboys. Entrants in this event must be 55 years old or over. A cash prize of $10 will be awarded the fast steeper of yesteryears who lays the lasso on the steer’s neck or horns and draws it over the animal’s hip in the shortest time.

May 20, 1954

In step with the general raise of base salaries of teachers throughout Texas authorized by the state legislature at the recent special session. Ozona school board voted an across-the-board raise of $300 a year to all teachers in the Ozona system, effective with next year’s school term. The teacher pay schedule under the new scale will raise the base pay of teachers with B.S. degrees and no experience from $3,000 to $3,300 a year, with the maximum in this category at $4,020, a $60 annual increment for each year of experience in teaching. For teachers with master’s degrees, the base pay will be $3,500 a year with a maximum of $4,530.

May 21, 1964

Leading the cheering for their teams in athletic events of the 1964-65 school year will be these pretty misses, the Ozona Junior High School cheerleaders. They are left to right Debbie Moore, Diltzie Bland, Becky Cervantez, Judy Barber and Beverly Upham.

May 23, 1974

In the first all girls track meet in the history of Ozona High School, there were 150 participants. The meet which had been set for May 9, was cancelled due to rain and was finally held last week. Girls from the seventh through the eleventh grades participated with the ninth graders scoring 124 points to win, the seventh grade was second with 98 points, the eighth grade, third with 54 points, tenth graders scored 50 points and eleventh graders scored 15 points.

Sonra Bank Fall