Ozona History August 31 - September 7

September 01, 2023


100 years ago three geologists of the Texas Company completed a survey of the lease holdings on the Pecos River on the ranch of Ben Ingham. The survey was very thorough and the geologists were careful to make every measurement accurate. From the Ingham ranch the geologists went to Rankin to engage in further geological work. Before leaving, the chief geologist stated that all indications were very favorable in that section for the discovery of oil, according to Ingham. 


70 years ago

Mills Tandy, a 12-year-old boy, turned a hobby into a business when he opened his fish pet shop. He started with a gallon-sized aquarium, a catfish, two angelfish, two zebra fish and a mystery snail. On the eve of his opening the business, his fish population numbered between 400 and 500. Mills offered fish, aquariums and all manner of equipment needed to begin a tropical fish-raising business. 


50 years ago

Coyotes, bobcats, red foxes and coyote/dog hybrids in 155 Texas counties from Brazos to El Paso may now be hunted from aircraft following action by the Parks and Wildlife Commission. The Parks and Wildlife Department issued permits for predator animal control by the use of aircraft to limit the economic losses inflicted by such animals on livestock and game species.  


30 years ago

Crockett County jury awarded Wolv Rutherford $1 million at the conclusion of a trial resulting from injuries he received in 1991. Rutherford was riding a motorcycle in Johnson Draw on Dec. 31, 1991, when he struck a cable. He was hospitalized in San Angelo for his injuries.

Sonra Bank Fall