Ozona History

by compiled by Amanda Deats-Coello

July 15, 1954

The Red Cross Advisory Committee, consisting of local citizens who help consider and evaluate applications for building and repair, household furnishings, occupational equipment, and disaster-caused medical costs of families has been working hard since the June 28 flood in Ozona which took 15 lives and did an estimated two and a half million in property damage. The committee has been meeting twice a week and has spent some long hours at each meeting. Total commitment for emergency and rehabilitation assistance to individual families to date amounts to $76,000. There have been 224 registrations and between emergency assistance to families already given and the rehabilitation cases which the committee has reviewed, a total of 92 cases have been given assistance.

July 16, 1964

An outbreak of screwworms in Crockett County, in the immediate Ozona area, has prompted screwworm eradication officials to order a concentrated drop of sterile flies over a grid 160 miles long and 60 miles wide through this area. County Agent Pete Jacoby was informed this week by Dr. Dale Crawford, Del Rio veterinarian and in charge of the survey program in this area. Latest outbreaks of screwworms occurred around July 1 on the Chas K. Davidson, III, ranch 7 miles east of Ozona, where two cases in sheep were found, on Bill Hemphill’s place 5 miles south of Ozona, where three cases in sheep were discovered and on the George Bunger, Jr., ranch 12 miles west of Ozona, with one case found in a horse.

July 18, 1974

A young boy on a bicycle escaped injury by only inches, but the auto you see here wasn’t so lucky Wednesday morning when a Wes Tex Drilling Co. truck lost a load of pipe and equipment in the 300 Block of Ave. E, or Hwy 163 north. The truck began losing pipe at the corner of Third Street which narrowly missed an unidentified boy on a bicycle. The loose binding then allowed the large piece of equipment to fall and hit the rear of the car which belongs to Ignacio Mendez and was parked in front of the Ernest Dunlap home. Fortunately, damage was slight to the rear of the automobile. Highway patrolman Tom Finley DPS was the investigating officer.

July 18, 1984

Renovation has begun on the Paul and Lizzie Perner home which will soon become the Crockett County Public Library. The house and grounds were donated by the Perner heirs, specifically for use as a public library during the last meeting of the commissioner’s court.