Ozona History
August 9, 1934
Interest is growing in the game of golf in Ozona as members recruited for construction of the Lions Club Golf Course on the Will Baggett ranch limber up their swings in daily rounds of the five completed holes. Work is in progress on the other four holes, two of them almost in readiness for play. A number of players may be seen on the course each afternoon and reported scores are getting lower and lower as former golfers get back their old-time form and beginners become more proficient in the strokes.
August 5, 1954
After winning their way to the finals by beating San Angelo and Brownwood in succession, Ozona’s Pony League baseball team, coached by Byron Stuart, was disqualified from competition at the district tournament in Odessa last night because birth certificates of all players had not been submitted with the team’s entry. No individual player was challenged and no Ozona player was overage, but it was a rule of the tournament which had not been made plain until the Ozona team had won its way to the finals and a chance to go to the state tournament at Pasadena, Texas.
August 6, 1964
Rent houses particularly two and three bedroom unfurnished houses, are in decided "short supply", to burrow a bureaucrat term, says Luther Walker, manager of the Ozona Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has been flooded with calls for unfurnished houses of the larger type. Several families with furniture in storage are living in temporary quarters while they hunt for rent houses, Walker said. Anyone with rent property of any description is urged to list it with the Chamber. Among the new arrivals in the past several weeks has been a highway department survey crew working on sites for the new interstate 10 and at least two new oil exploration crews.
August 8, 1974
The roadbed for IH 10 through the south part of Ozona has begun to take shape, land has been cleared, elevations made and much equipment and material is being put to use at the intersection of highway 163 and 14th Street where the super highway will reach an elevation of 20 feet. The pipe shown here will be laid in this ditch which travels directly under the roadbed.
August 8, 1984
Miss Julie Reagor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Reagor, was named rodeo queen Saturday night during the show, and was crowned and presented a bouquet of red roses by out-going queen Christy Parks. Duchesses were Donna Jo Patrick and Gena Allen.
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