Film tells story of discovery and redemption
Ozona—"Just Passing Through" is a film that summarizes Eric's (portrayed by Dennis Onassis Newman) journey as he passes through a chaotic youth into the hopefulness of adulthood. Writer/director Randy DeHoyos offers an exploration of redemption in the film.
"I developed my passion for acting early on," Randy said. "At five, I was chosen to play 'The Streaker' in a community center play in Ozona. During breaks in the play, I'd get in front of the stage and dance to the song, 'The Streaker,' [a Ray Stevens song]. I'd just posed and flexed my muscles, but I had a bathing suit on. The audience got a big kick out of it, and this experience ignited my interest in acting. After college, I moved to California in the late 1980s and pursued an acting career."
When Randy's acting career seemed to waver, he returned to college and became an educator. Now, both he and his wife Jill, also from Ozona, are retired and co-owners of D's Productions, LLC near Austin. They announced the debut of their first independent film, on which they mainly relied on first-hand experiences and events to provide a foundation of Christian values and Eric's passage into adulthood.
The film's pacing, while sometimes meandering, reflects the often aimless path of self-discovery. "Just Passing Through" is an experience.
Visually and thematically, the film excels in its simplicity. The settings, from the chaotic college environments to the serene landscapes of Eric's hometown, serve as metaphors for his internal states.
Where the film truly shines is in its message of redemption. It doesn't shy away from showing the harsh realities of life but also doesn'tremembers to celebrate the small victories.
"Just Passing Through" is a reflection on life's passages, the mistakes we make, and the love that helps us mend. It's a must-watch for anyone who appreciates stories that weave laughter with tears, chaos with calm, and redemption with human connection.
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