Ozona History

October 24, 2024

Oct. 25, 1934
Ballots for the general election to be held Tuesday, November 6, were printed last week by The Stockman and delivered to County Clerk George Russell. The ballot contains full state tickets by four parties; Democratic, Republican, Socialist and Communist, with an Independent column and a blank column for write-in candidates.

Oct. 26, 1944
Ozona chapter of the American Red Cross has signed up to furnish 288 service men's kits and knit 100 pairs of socks for service men during the coming winter months, Mrs. Roy Henderson, product chairman, announced this week. Supplies which go to make up the kits, given to each service man on embarkation for overseas duty, as well as the yarn for socks, have already been ordered and will be here in the next week or ten days, it is expected. The service men's kits, containing soap, cigarettes, toothpaste, cards and other similar personal items appreciated by servicemen, will cost approximately $1 each.

Oct. 21, 1954
Davis Kemper McMullan, a pioneer ranchman of West Texas and a colorful figure known throughout this area, died shortly after midnight Thursday in a San Angelo hospital at the age of 93. Mr. McMullan was the father of Frank and Ashby McMullan, both of Ozona, and was a frequent visitor here until a few years ago-when he went to live with a niece, Mrs. Zona McMullan, in Snyder. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon from the Robt. Massie Funeral chapel in San Angelo, with the Rev. G. N. Goldston, pastor the First Christian church officiating, assisted by the Rev. B. 0. Wood, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Mr. McMullan was born Oct. 10, 1861, in Dawson, Va. He farmed in Missouri as a young man and came to Texas to begin in the ranching business in the Snyder country. He ranched in Reagan, Val Verde, Tom Green and Scurry counties.

Oct. 22, 1964
Telephone been acting up lately? Maybe you had a squirrel in it. After last Sunday's rain a lot of telephones went haywire in the southeast part of Ozona and a General Telephone Maintenance crew sent here early in the week soon discovered the cause. Squirrels had gnawed numerous holes in the lead sheath covering the telephone cable wires and the rain let in moisture which shorted the tiny cable wires. As a result, your telephone either had a busy signal, didn’t ring at all or threw a ringing fit every time anybody turned a dial in the vicinity.

Oct. 24, 1974
Cody Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sutton, just can’t make up his mind which pumpkin to pick from this truck load. They all look like good jack o ’lantern material. He believes he’ll just take ’em all.

Oct. 24, 1984
Wild turkeys roam on the west hill. Every year about this time a turkey hen and her little ones take over on the west hill, visiting residents and making themselves quite at home. This is the third year the flock has been so visible. Each year, a few are lost by gunshot or being hit by automobiles. Everyone is asked to take special care this year to protect the brood.


Sonra Bank Fall