Ozona History

December 12, 2024

December 13, 1934
Presence of mind on the part of Mrs. Cecil Hubbard probably saved the home occupied by the family from serious damage or destruction by fire this morning. Flames rising from oil spread over the floor around a heating stove were extinguished by Mrs. Hubbard with only slight damage to the room. Mrs. Hubbard was in the kitchen when the fire broke out and immediately upon discovering it, spread a quilt over the stove and floor around it. She suffered painful burns about her hands when she reached under the smothering quilt to cut off the oil. Water poured on the quilt smothered the fire out. The room had just been papered yesterday and the new paper was damaged on one wall and the floor scorched.

December 14, 1944
Newest addition to the Ozona High School museum is a cap and ball rifle, U.S. Army model of nearly a hundred years ago, found in about 1894 on the old Government Road on Howard Well by the late N. T Wilson, pioneer rancher in this area. The historic rifle, with its ramrod, was loaned to the local museum by Ogden Wilson of Fort McKavett, a descendant of the early-day rancher. The old gun, which was found with a sword in a metal scabbard in the Howard Well area a half century ago, was sought by both the University Museum in Austin and San Antonio museums, but Mr. Wilson chose to display the relic in the Ozona museum. Roy Henderson, who assisted in bringing the display here, will construct a special display cabinet for the old gun. 

December 14, 1954
A delegation of Ozonans, including County Judge Huston Smith, and Manager W.D. Cooper of the Crockett County Water Control District offered testimony at the Railroad Commission hearing in Austin last week relative to salt water pollution of fresh water wells in Crockett County. The Ozonans voiced fears that the practices of some oil operators in the north central area of the county of disposing of excess salt water from producing wells by pumping back into areas of fresh water strata might ultimately contaminate the city of Ozona’s supply of water from deep wells. The drainage trend is from the field in the direction of Ozona’s presumed supply source, the local representative contended.

December 12, 1974
Little Davis Thornton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thornton, takes his time in selecting a Christmas tree. After looking them all up and down, he selects the biggest one, of course.

December 12, 1984
Louis Hall, on behalf of Helping Hands for the Elderly accepts a donation from Mrs. Probst’s third grade class for the building fund. The class began collecting for the fund after Thanksgiving and were able to collect $62.20 in pennies and dimes before the project came to close.