Ozona History
January 16, 2025

January 17, 1935
Injured late Thursday evening when crushed between the building and a truck driven by Marion Williams in front of the Meinecke warehouse, W. C. (B ill) Gray, employe of J. H. Williams and Sons | Grocery, was reported today as recovering as rapidly as could be anticipated. He is confined in the Shannon Hospital, San Angelo. Accompanying the trucker from the store to the warehouse, Mr. Gray was about to open the doors of the building when the trucker backed into him unknowingly, catching him against the stone base of the building. The injured man was carried to the office of Dr. H. B. Tandy where X-rays revealed severe injuries. After being carried to San Angelo, detailed X-ray plates there disclosed two breaks in the pelvis, a fracture of the hip bone and broken bones and dislocation in the left shoulder. Mrs. Gray accompanied her husband to San Angelo and will remain there while he is confined in the hospital.
Injured late Thursday evening when crushed between the building and a truck driven by Marion Williams in front of the Meinecke warehouse, W. C. (B ill) Gray, employe of J. H. Williams and Sons | Grocery, was reported today as recovering as rapidly as could be anticipated. He is confined in the Shannon Hospital, San Angelo. Accompanying the trucker from the store to the warehouse, Mr. Gray was about to open the doors of the building when the trucker backed into him unknowingly, catching him against the stone base of the building. The injured man was carried to the office of Dr. H. B. Tandy where X-rays revealed severe injuries. After being carried to San Angelo, detailed X-ray plates there disclosed two breaks in the pelvis, a fracture of the hip bone and broken bones and dislocation in the left shoulder. Mrs. Gray accompanied her husband to San Angelo and will remain there while he is confined in the hospital.
January 18, 1945
Men aboard the U.S.S. Crockett, attack transport ship of the United States Navy in Pacific waters, named for Crockett County, would like to hear from people in Crockett Couty, says Chaplain Jeff R. Marsh, USNR, aboard the vessel. “I want to thank you on behalf of the men and officers of the U.S.S. Crockett for the interest manifested in our ship by the people of Crockett County,” Chaplain Marsh wrote the Stockman in a letter dated January 11. “We have received the papers and letters and appreciate it all very much. Incidentally, could you send us several extra copies of the issue carrying the story about our ship? (Dec. 14)
“As yet we have nothing of real interest to report, but when and if we do, you may be sure that we shall let you know. Again thanks and may we hear from you of Crockett County often.” Jeff R. Marsh, Chaplain, USNR USS Crockett (APA148) FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
Men aboard the U.S.S. Crockett, attack transport ship of the United States Navy in Pacific waters, named for Crockett County, would like to hear from people in Crockett Couty, says Chaplain Jeff R. Marsh, USNR, aboard the vessel. “I want to thank you on behalf of the men and officers of the U.S.S. Crockett for the interest manifested in our ship by the people of Crockett County,” Chaplain Marsh wrote the Stockman in a letter dated January 11. “We have received the papers and letters and appreciate it all very much. Incidentally, could you send us several extra copies of the issue carrying the story about our ship? (Dec. 14)
“As yet we have nothing of real interest to report, but when and if we do, you may be sure that we shall let you know. Again thanks and may we hear from you of Crockett County often.” Jeff R. Marsh, Chaplain, USNR USS Crockett (APA148) FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
January 13, 1955
Proposal for a modern, all weather airport at the northern outskirts of Ozona, shelved by the County Commissioners Court a year ago, again was placed before the new court at its first session of the new year Monday by Dick Henderson, ranchman and flying enthusiast. Mr. Henderson proposed to provide the land, now embraced in his private landing field, on a 99-year lease deal at $1 per year, to the county if the county would do the paving on a 4,000-foot landing strip and pay for the field’s lighting. Henderson would in turn lease the airport, upon its completion, from the county and operate it for the benefit of the flying public.
Proposal for a modern, all weather airport at the northern outskirts of Ozona, shelved by the County Commissioners Court a year ago, again was placed before the new court at its first session of the new year Monday by Dick Henderson, ranchman and flying enthusiast. Mr. Henderson proposed to provide the land, now embraced in his private landing field, on a 99-year lease deal at $1 per year, to the county if the county would do the paving on a 4,000-foot landing strip and pay for the field’s lighting. Henderson would in turn lease the airport, upon its completion, from the county and operate it for the benefit of the flying public.
January 14, 1965
After Crockett County Commissioners, at the January Court meeting Monday, voted 3 to 1 for raising their own salaries by $1,200 a year, from $3,625 to $4,825, a study by County Judge Brock Jones revealed that the court had failed to comply with statutory requirements governing salary raises for County Commissioners and the action Is illegal, necessitating remedial action at a subsequent session. Salary hikes to members of the county road crews, deputies in the sheriff’s office and the clerk's office and various other county employes, made in the same action, will stand as legal, only the issue of the salary hike for Commissioners being in doubt.
After Crockett County Commissioners, at the January Court meeting Monday, voted 3 to 1 for raising their own salaries by $1,200 a year, from $3,625 to $4,825, a study by County Judge Brock Jones revealed that the court had failed to comply with statutory requirements governing salary raises for County Commissioners and the action Is illegal, necessitating remedial action at a subsequent session. Salary hikes to members of the county road crews, deputies in the sheriff’s office and the clerk's office and various other county employes, made in the same action, will stand as legal, only the issue of the salary hike for Commissioners being in doubt.
January 16, 1975
Big winner in annual 4-H Livestock Show held here Saturday was Max Schroeder, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Schroeder. Here he is shown with his Grand Champion Crossbred fat lamb. Schroeder also exhibited the Champion pair of Crossbred Lambs, the Grand Champion pair of lambs in the show, and topped it off by winning the senior showmanship award.
Big winner in annual 4-H Livestock Show held here Saturday was Max Schroeder, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Schroeder. Here he is shown with his Grand Champion Crossbred fat lamb. Schroeder also exhibited the Champion pair of Crossbred Lambs, the Grand Champion pair of lambs in the show, and topped it off by winning the senior showmanship award.
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