Ozona History
January 23, 2025

Jan. 24, 1935
The golf course, located on the W. R. Baggett Ranch north of Ozona and sponsored by the Ozona Lions Club, will henceforth be known as the Baggett Golf Course, named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Baggett, who last year donated the tract of ground on which the course is located. The change in name from the Ozona Lions Club Golf Course to the Baggett Golf Course was determined upon at a meeting of the golf committee of the club Monday afternoon, at which various other changes in policies governing use of the course were adopted.
Jan. 25, 1945
Announcement was made yesterday in Pittsburgh, Pa., of award of the bronze medal for heroism to Arthur Byrd Phillips, 17. Ozona High School senior, in recognition of his heroic action on July 14, 1943, in saving the life of a companion, Neal J. Reed of Sterling City. Young Phillips, then 15 years of age, earned the hero’s medal by a daring feat of horsemanship that rivaled anything ever dreamed up by the Western movie thrillers. Tangled in a rope tied to the saddle horn and drugged over rocks, brush and raw land. Reed, about the same age as the Ozona lad, was saved from almost certain death by the quick thinking and action of Phillips, who, seeing the Reed boy’s horse frightened from a flash of lightning, bolt, leaped to the back of his own mount and gave chase, and overtaking the frightened animal, quit his own horse in the best tradition of the Western bulldogging expert and with his arms and legs wrapped around the fleeing horse's neck, brought the animal to a stop.
Jan. 20, 1955
Construction crews of the Almer P. Jackson, pole line contracting firm of Abilene, started work here Monday morning installing the television cable system which will bring good television reception to Ozona homes from the community antenna system atop the 400-foot tower erected on Tandy Hill. The crew has been busy mounting pole line hardware and other paraphernalia on which the cables and amplifiers will be hung to transmit the television signals from the master receiving antennas.
Jan. 23, 1975
Winners in annual FFA Commercial Livestock Show held here Saturday showing off trophies, ribbons, banners, etc. Bottom row, l. to r. Max Schroeder, Vaden Aldridge, Danny Weant, Jerry Weant, Tony Conner, Bill Bissett. Back row, l. to r. FFA Sweetheart Debra Clayton, Richard Sanchez, David Bean, Douglas Bean, Leslie Long, Vinc Huffman, Ricky Perry and Greg Thompson.
The golf course, located on the W. R. Baggett Ranch north of Ozona and sponsored by the Ozona Lions Club, will henceforth be known as the Baggett Golf Course, named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Baggett, who last year donated the tract of ground on which the course is located. The change in name from the Ozona Lions Club Golf Course to the Baggett Golf Course was determined upon at a meeting of the golf committee of the club Monday afternoon, at which various other changes in policies governing use of the course were adopted.
Jan. 25, 1945
Announcement was made yesterday in Pittsburgh, Pa., of award of the bronze medal for heroism to Arthur Byrd Phillips, 17. Ozona High School senior, in recognition of his heroic action on July 14, 1943, in saving the life of a companion, Neal J. Reed of Sterling City. Young Phillips, then 15 years of age, earned the hero’s medal by a daring feat of horsemanship that rivaled anything ever dreamed up by the Western movie thrillers. Tangled in a rope tied to the saddle horn and drugged over rocks, brush and raw land. Reed, about the same age as the Ozona lad, was saved from almost certain death by the quick thinking and action of Phillips, who, seeing the Reed boy’s horse frightened from a flash of lightning, bolt, leaped to the back of his own mount and gave chase, and overtaking the frightened animal, quit his own horse in the best tradition of the Western bulldogging expert and with his arms and legs wrapped around the fleeing horse's neck, brought the animal to a stop.
Jan. 20, 1955
Construction crews of the Almer P. Jackson, pole line contracting firm of Abilene, started work here Monday morning installing the television cable system which will bring good television reception to Ozona homes from the community antenna system atop the 400-foot tower erected on Tandy Hill. The crew has been busy mounting pole line hardware and other paraphernalia on which the cables and amplifiers will be hung to transmit the television signals from the master receiving antennas.
Jan. 23, 1975
Winners in annual FFA Commercial Livestock Show held here Saturday showing off trophies, ribbons, banners, etc. Bottom row, l. to r. Max Schroeder, Vaden Aldridge, Danny Weant, Jerry Weant, Tony Conner, Bill Bissett. Back row, l. to r. FFA Sweetheart Debra Clayton, Richard Sanchez, David Bean, Douglas Bean, Leslie Long, Vinc Huffman, Ricky Perry and Greg Thompson.
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