Ozona History

February 06, 2025

February 7, 1935
"Some people work a lifetime doing things and never attain fame. I spent 23 years doing nothing and become famous because of it.” That's just one of the bit a of droll good humor displayed by Tom Smith of Ozona, who has gained sudden recognition as having the most unusual record of any similar official in the United States. Recent publication of the fact that he has been constable of the Ozona precinct of Crockett County for 23 years and never carried a gun, made an arrest or served a paper has brought a flood of requests for his picture and further information about his “crip” job from story writers, journalists, magazine editors and those seeking the unusual from all over the nation. Now comes the prize request; one from the King Features Syndicate of New York, a newspaper syndicate which distributes the famous Ripley "Believe It Or Not” cartoon to hundreds of daily newspapers all over the United States, requesting Constable Smith's picture and verification of the published fact concerning his unusual record as constable of this thriving little western city. The picture and data have gone forward and soon the Ozonan's unusual record as an officer of the law will be recorded in the famous cartoon among other oddities of the world.

February 9, 1945
Staff Sergeant W. U. Brock. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brock of Ozona, has been awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action against the Japanese in the battle for Leyte, Philippine Islands, his parents here learned last week. Only enlisted man in his company to be awarded this high decoration, Sgt. Brock won the award for his heroic action in evacuating wounded American soldiers from a hospital under machine gun fire during an enemy attack in the island fighting. With modesty becoming a real hero, young Brock wrote in a letter to his parents informing them of the award–“I didn’t know I had done anything anyone else wouldn’t have done.”

February 4, 1965
Building caretakers arrived at the Junior High School this morning to find the building filled with smoke and a fire burning in the “bell room” where the ropes from the old belfry bell hang. The flooring was on fire but there were no electric wires or heating equipment nearby and school officials and firemen were unable to determine immediately the cause of the blaze. Damage was slight.

February 6, 1975
New license plates went on sale here Monday at the tax office. Mrs. Luetta Beall, left, holds the license plate which will be used for the next five years by passenger cars. Indentions in the corners will hold current year numbers. The personal license plate held by Mrs. Eddie Arnold, center, remains the same and will be changed annually. At right, Mrs. Bob Bell holds the truck plate. A close look at the right-hand corner reveals the 75 year.