Ozona History

February 13, 2025
Feb. 13, 1975 Feb. 13, 1975

Feb. 14, 1935
As an aftermath of a fight in the Mexican quarters here about 8 o'clock Sunday night, two Mexicans, Pete Nito and Pedro Mendosa, were each fined $14 in Justice of Peace Bill Johnigan's court Monday morning. A third, Cipriano Castillo, was in bed from severe knife wounds in the abdomen and about the neck. He will be arraigned in justice court when he recovers, officers said.

Feb. 15, 1945
15th Air Force in Italy: Sgt. Joseph B. Couch, formerly of Ozona, Tex., is authorized to wear the Distinguished Unit Badge as a member of a veteran 15th AAF Liberator Bomber Group cited for outstanding performance of duty. His group, commanded by Lt. Col. Ellsworth R. Jacoby, Kansas City, Mo., was awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation for its highly successful attack, despite severe opposition, on the Prufening Aircraft Factory, Regensburg, German, last February 25. The mission was a vital one in the campaign to cut German aircraft production, inasmuch as the Prufening plant was turning out a large number of enemy fighters monthly.

Feb. 10, 1955
Electronic engineers, having completed the installation of permanent antennas last Sunday and set up the complicated equipment in the small house at the base of the tower, television signals reached the downtown area of Ozona late Wednesday in the Ratliff Hardware & Furniture store, television set dealer. With most of the cable wires already strung through the southeast section of the town, work of setting amplifiers and other equipment to activate the lines is in progress. Three such installations were completed this week to bring the signal to the downtown area. 

Feb. 1965
Information gathered in the community-wide census, recently sponsored by the Ozona Chamber of Commerce, has been used to complete an industrial survey. By using water meter connections as a basis for figuring out, an approximate population count of 3,700 was listed as the latest estimate. Representatives from General Telephone Co. San Angelo will be in Ozona on Thursday to discuss any needed changes or additions that would be beneficial to Ozona. They have offered their help in printing up the survey, which will then be made available to industries that might be interested in locating in Ozona. Interested parties in Ozona will also have access to the statistics contained in the survey at the C of C office.

Feb. 13, 1975
Machines which change the face of the earth sometimes need a little extra power when hauling at least a mountain of good earth. Here, the gigantic dirt hauler gets an assist from a bulldozer. Dirt is taken from the bed of Gurley Draw and dumped on the surface of what used to be Powell Field, where it is leveled and formed up as a roadbed for IS 10 in the south part of town. Work has progressed on the new superhighway east of Ozona until activity has become centered in the south part of town. The Zachry Co. workers have a good-sized audience almost daily.

Sonra Bank Fall