Ozona History

March 14, 2025
March 13, 1975 March 13, 1975

March 14, 1935 
Mrs. Rob Miller was the favorite of the gods of fortune and $100 richer when she won the first monthly award of $100 offered by a group of Ozona business firms as a monthly feature. The first award was made in the downtown section Monday afternoon. Mrs. Vic Pierce was out of the city and for that reason failed to win the big prize. Mrs. Miller was the second selection and won the cash by being present. Several hundred people jammed the downtown streets for the first award at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. The next big prize will be given away on Wednesday, April 10, and on the 10th of each month thereafter, except where this date falls on Sunday as was the case this month. 

March 15, 1945 
As in past years, the Ozona Theatre will join in the national Motion Picture Red Cross Drive during the month of March and has set March 15 through March 21 as the days on which a collection will be taken up after each performance, Mrs. B. B. Adwell, manager, announced this week. The local theatre is participating in a nationwide movement among motion picture exhibitors, showing a special Red Cross short feature at each performance during the collection period, after which collection plates are passed through the audience to receive whatever donations patrons wish to give. All collections received at the theatre will be turned over to the local Red Cross chapter and will be counted in the Crockett County War Fund Drive total, already well above the $3,500 mark. Members of the local Junior Red Cross will assist the theatre management in making the nightly collections. 

March 10, 1955 
A quick run by the fire to the fire station here Wed. morning resulted in a potentially damaging blaze being snuffed out without damage. Curb service was rendered by the Ozona Volunteer Fire Department when Fireman Oscar Kost discovered a vigorous blaze amidst trash aboard the trash truck of J. K. Evans as it cruised through the downtown area on the way to the dump ground. Kost, a passenger in a car following the trash truck, told Evans his vehicle was on fire and to follow the car to the fire station. This Evans did and the big truck was rolled out doors the pump started and the blazing trash watered down by Kost and Clyde Leath, fire station attendant. Just another service of the efficient volunteer firemen discover ‘em, bring ’em in, put 'em out. 

March 11, 1965 
A change in ownership of an Ozona business was announced this week. J.D. Brown, owner of Brown Furniture Co. of Grand Prairie for many years, has purchased the Ratliff Furniture Co. here, effective March 1. With the sale, the Ratliff name passes from the Ozona business scene after some 18 years here, beginning with the purchased by J. T. Ratiff of Eldorado of the Joe Oberkampf business and later its operation by a son Charles Ratliff, and entry into the dry goods retailing by another son, Vernon Ratliff, Charles Ratliff, who sold the business last week to Mr. Brown is now living in Austin and is in the insurance business.

March 13, 1975 
Local Girl Scouts celebrated Girl Scout Week a little early, by building and entering this float in the rodeo parade in San Angelo last week. The float was a typical camping scene, complete with trees. However, there were so many scouts atop the float, it failed to win a prize. All Ozona troops were represented and may be seen, "that's a lot of Girl Scouts." Troops are celebrating Girl Scout week this week with various troop projects, the most ambitious of which was a circus sponsored by Troop 189 Monday. Troop 189 has plans to visit Switzerland next summer and fund-raising is a big project at the moment. 

Sonra Bank Fall