Ozona History
August 16, 1934
With the extensive improvements that have been made on the grounds of the Ozona High and grade school this summer, the old tamping grounds will present a new and different face when students return to resume their studies on Monday, September 3, when the 1934-35 term convenes. The grounds have been filled in with dirt, smoothed and sodded with Bermuda grass, trees, shrubbery and flowers planted, a fence constructed-around the entire area and other improvements made. Under the care of Carl Dorley, new school caretaker, the grounds are being put in the best condition for the opening of school and with the growth being attained by the grass and shrubbery the grounds are expected to be a show place next spring.
August 17, 1944
Daily crowds, estimated at a thousand and upward, many or most of them enjoying their first opportunity since war began to witness the favored western sports saw Ozona’s two-day rodeo events at the fair park Saturday and Sunday afternoons and almost unanimously pronounced the show a success. Attendance, of course, did not compare with the crowds Ozona entertained in pre-war days, but fair association officials who promoted the entertainment were well pleased with the reception given their efforts by the rodeo-hungry home folks and visitors.
August 12, 1954
A daring job of firefighting performed by Ozona and Big Lake Volunteer Fire Department units confined to two tanks a fire which threatened the total destruction of a 24-tank battery filled with an estimated 80,000 barrels of oil at the Continental Oil Co. Shannon, a lease battery of the Elkhorn field, 18 miles northwest of Ozona, Monday afternoon. The fire is believed to have been started by a spark from a motor being used in pumping oil from one tank to another. An explosion and fire occurred while workmen were cleaning the two tanks, both empty at the time. Heat from the burning tanks caused overflows from other tanks in the battery, the hot oil quickly igniting.
August 15, 1974
These lovelies will lead the cheering for the Ozona Lions this season. The girls have been practicing their routines this week in preparation for their first public appearance in the Lions’ opener against Junction here Sept. 6. In the picture, left to right, are Sally Bailey, Lupe Tambunga, Debra Clayton, Bobbie Jones, Sylvia Flores and Ann Tillman
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